Lower Your Monthly Auto Payment, And We’ll Give You $200 CASH!
If your car loan of $10,000 or more is financed with another lender, now is the perfect opportunity to refinance, receive a lower interest rate, and walk out with $200 in your pocket.* Who couldn’t use an extra $200? Our rates are competitive, so your payment will probably be less, which means even more money in your pocket!
Have equity in your car? Add to your loan to consolidate other debt or take a vacation! Have more than one vehicle in your household? We’ll give you $200 to refinance EACH.
Call for more information or apply today! This offer is available for a limited time only. Please mention this offer when you apply or speak with a loan officer.
*Must provide proof of current interest rate. Some restrictions apply. Loans already financed at DMMCU do not qualify.