Fee Schedule

All fees effective as of 7/1/2019.  Call 515-283-4195 for details on commercial account fees.

Share Draft

Share Draft
Fee Fee Amount
50 share draft or less processed no monthly fee
Excess share draft fee (over 50 per month) $.50 per check*
Overdraft (NSF) for returned ACH or draft $30.00 per item
Overdraft (NSF) for paid ACH or draft $30.00 per item
Stop payment fee $30.00 per item
Overdraft transfer fee from savings $5.00*
Overdraft transfer fee from MasterCard $5.00*
Account/statement copy printout $5.00 per month
Account balancing and research $20.00 per hour
Temporary checks $2.00
Check copy $3.00 per check

*Subject to 7% Iowa sales tax – includes 1% local option sales tax.

Note: We will charge an overdraft fee each time an item is presented to us for payment against insufficient funds, regardless of whether we pay or return the item. Items can be represented multiple times, which is beyond our control.


Fee Fee Amount
10 withdrawals (W/D) no monthly fee
ATM W/D fee (over 10 per month) $2.00 per withdrawal*
ATM balance inquiry fee $1.00 per transaction*
ATM W/D fee (outside Iowa) $1.00 per transaction*
Extra cards (no charge for the first two) $5.00
Transfer between account or deposits no monthly fee
Daily withdrawal limit $510.00

*Subject to 7% Iowa sales tax – includes 1% local option sales tax.

MasterMoney Debit Card

Debit Card
Fee Fee Amount
Unlimited transactions per day (swipe & sign) no monthly fee
Annual/Monthly fee no fee
Photocopies or reprints of transactions $1.00 per page
Lost card or lost PIN $5.00 per card
Cash advance fee no fee

Account Access

Account Access
Fee Fee Amount
10 Tellerphone calls per month no monthly fee
Each additional Tellerphone call $2.00 per call*
Home Banking access FREE
Bill Payer FREE**

*Subject to 7% Iowa sales tax – includes 1% local option sales tax.

**If Bill Payer is not used to pay a bill in a 60-day time period, we have the right to automatically terminate the service.

Check-Cashing Fees

Check-Cashing Fees
Fee Fee Amount
Check cashing for members $3.00* for checks up to $1,000.00
1% for checks over $1,000.00
Check cashing for non members $5.00* for checks up to $1,000.00

*The check-cashing fee is waived for members who have a $500 relationship with DMMCU, an active checking account, or regular direct deposit.  The fee is also waived for members 18 years of age or younger.  The maximum fee is $20.

Safe Deposit

Safe Deposit
Fee Fee Amount
3″ x 5″ x 24″ $25.00 annually
5″ x 5″ x 24″ $30.00 annually
3″ x 10″ x 24″ $40.00 annually
5″ x 10″ x 24″ $50.00 annually
10″ x 10″ x 24″ $75.00 annually
Fee for 1 lost key $15.00
Fee for 2 lost keys drilling costs

Please call DMMCU at 515-283-4195 to check the availability of safe deposit boxes.

Miscellaneous Fees

Miscellaneous Fees
Fee Fee Amount
Corporate check to a third party $2.00 per check
Certified corporate check $5.00 per check
Money orders $1.50 each
Outgoing wire transfer (inside U.S.) $15.00
Incoming wire transfer $8.00
Early account closing (before 6 months) $15.00
Reopen closed account within 6 months $5.00
Dormant Account fee $5.00 per month*
Inactivity closing fee $25 after 3 years**
Incorrect address $5.00 per month
Administrative levy $10.00
Legal process fee $25.00
Foreign check collection $15.00
Non-member notary fee $5.00 per document
Return deposit item – issued to you by another person $10.00 per item
Return deposit item – written on your account at another financial institution $25.00 per item
CU Service Network (over 10 per month) $1.00 per transaction
Account research fee (electronic/other) $20.00/$50.00 per hour
Paper Statement Fee (for members who join after 1-1-16) $2.00/statement

*A dormant fee is assessed when mail has been returned for one year or the account has been inactive for one year.

**Inactivity closing fee is for accounts that have been inactive for three years, when we receive no response after attempting to contact a member.